c program to clear nth bit of the number || Bitwise Operators || Problem Solving ||

#include <stdio.h> int main() {     int num, n, newNum;     printf("Enter any number: ");     scanf("%d", &num);     printf("Enter nth bit to clear (0-31): ");     scanf("%d", &n);     newNum = num & (~(1 << n));     printf("Number before clearing %d bit: %d (in decimal)\n", n, num);     printf("Number after clearing %d bit: %d (in decimal)\n", n, newNum);     return 0; } Logic :-  num&(~(1<<n));

English vocabulary / 28-6-2020 /

👑 Friday, 26 June 2020 👑

Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.

1. MALICIOUS (ADJECTIVE):   spiteful
Synonyms: malevolent, hostile
Antonyms: benevolent
Example :
He had been found guilty of malicious damage.

2. INAUGURATE (VERB):   initiate
Synonyms: begin, start
Antonyms: wind up
Example :
He inaugurated a new policy of trade and exploration.

3. ANXIOUS (ADJECTIVE):   worried
Synonyms: concerned, apprehensive
Antonyms: carefree
Example Sentence:
She was extremely anxious about her exams.

4. RESUMPTION (NOUN):  restart
Synonyms: restarting, reopening
Antonyms: suspension
Example Sentence:
The rain has stopped, but we're still waiting for the resumption of the game.

5. NORMALITY (NOUN):   routine
Synonyms: business as usual, order
Antonyms: insanity
Example Sentence:
The office gradually returned to a semblance of normality.

6. SEMBLANCE (NOUN): appearance
Synonyms: approximation, show
Antonyms: difference
Example Sentence:
She tried to force her thoughts back into some semblance of order.

7. SNARL (VERB):   tangle
Synonyms: entangle, entwine
Antonyms: untangle
Example Sentence:
The trailing lead got snarled up in a bramble bush.

8. SPECTRE (NOUN):  ghost
Synonyms: phantom, apparition
Antonyms: body, flesh
Example Sentence:
A dread of spectres and witches affected every aspect of daily life.

9. VETERAN (NOUN): old hand
Synonyms: old-timer, old stager
Antonyms: novice
Example Sentence:
Napoleon was at the head of a veteran army.

Synonyms: non-native, émigré
Antonyms: native
Example Sentence:
Expatriate workers are found everywhere.


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